Here she is with her new pretty earrings~

Dylan and her played for quite a while~

Dylan made this tower and he wanted his picture taken with it~

All too soon it was time to go, they were all buckled up and I looked in the car door and seen Katie taking a drink out of this huge cup almost as big as she was!!

The whole time they were here Oreo was hiding but as soon as they left he found one of his favorite places to stretch out~

when we bought our new table the other day, we bought the table and one bench thinking that we would buy 3 chairs later when I found the ones I wanted and that way we would have 3 chairs and one long bench. After getting home and seeing what the bench was like we decided at least for the time being that we will just get another bench and forget about the chairs for now. The bench is actually quite comfortable...So I went and picked up another bench and now it is all situated where I want it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to use the rug I had under the other table so I tried it both ways and finally after moving things around quite a bit I decided to use the rug. I have always liked the color and style of rug so really wanted to use it if I could.
Here is the new table and benches~
Looking from the kitchen~

Looking from the living room~

This is the exact table I have always wanted, just a regular old farmhouse table. I am very happy with it and I love the color of it.
This fabric is some of what I am using to re-do our hallway bathroom, I am working on some projects for the bathroom this week so hopefully will have some pictures by the end of the week of what it looks like.

Joann this is a beautiful table, I have a round glass table, but I am praying that one day the Lord will bless me with a farm house style table at a reasonable price lol :) your grandchildren are just adorable.