When you see the before window you will probably be wondering why I have a snowman sitting on the ledge in July and Thanksgiving candle holders sitting there too. Well the candle holders just have not been put away after I bought them at the thrifts store and washed them. The snowman is very close to my heart, a dear friend sent it to me last Christmas and I treasure it, it holds hot cocoa mix and even though I don't drink hot cocoa in the summer time I like to look at it when I am in the kitchen, it reminds me of her and her blessing of friendship.
Here is a closer picture of it, isn't it just the cutest~~
Here is the garden window before~
In this photo you can see the dust much more clearly~
This is about halfway done, I have the shelf out to clean and it makes it much easier to clean with the shelf not in it's place. This window is the absolute hardest window to clean, I can barely stretch my arm in to clean the bottom so when it comes time to clean the actual glass part I use a sponge mop with hot water and vinegar, works great!
Now the shelf is back in and I have also taken my hot water and vinegar and sponge mop and cleaned the outside~
Now onto my sweet little blessing from my Son. He is starting Boot camp this week, he knows that I am worried about him and he has been sending me little letters every week. Today in the mail I got this postcard~
This is the front~

And this is the back~ My son certainly isn't much for words :) but I am so glad to hear from him, at least I know he is okay and that he is missing me :) :)
You probably will have to click on the picture to be able to read it..
oh Joann , I spy an item I made you above -how wonderful it is too see that and my goodness I soooooo loooooove the plate with the rooster on it..it is beautiful..glad you shared your cleaning spurt of the shelf,cheers Vickie