Here are some pictures of what my system looks like~
Here is the ugly file box~

These are the number tabs, one number for everyday of the month~

These are the cards for Daily(purple) and Weekly(Blue) chores~

These cards are for Monthly (Pink)reminders(Yes I know that I forgot the t in frontline and have made a new card) ~

These tabs are the Monthly tabs, where I store birthday/anniversary/important reminders etc..~

These colored tabs are for my address book~

This is all of it put together~

In the inside of the lid is my Basic Week plan, you will notice that I haveMonday as my grocery day, Tuesday listed as a heavy cleaning day and the rest are moderate cleaning, Friday is my free day, Saturday is light cleaning(if there is something that has to be done) and Sunday as the Lord's day~

Well there you have it, I know it's not too impressive but I am hoping that it works for me and my household.
I post sometimes on a forum that has a daily cleaning thread, but I don't always have the time to come to the computer and post regularly on that board. The ladies at that forum are just wonderful, but that is also where I met a person who I thought was my friend and basicaly she just used me and then tossed me to the side when she wanted to. So when I go to that board and I do post even if I say something to her she totally ignores me and that just is so mean . So please be careful out there when posting on boards/forums people aren't always who they say they are. They can post all they want about their wonderful Christian family and then treat people like dirt. I know that I have done things in my past that I shouldn't have done but I am not too proud to stand up and say yes I did this will you please forgive me.
I pray that everyone out there has a very blessed Sunday..
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