I am hoping that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I put a post up at my old blog with pictures of our Christmas, so if anyone is interested in seeing those pictures the address for that blog is
I have in the last day moved over some of the posts I wanted to keep here to this new blog. I am hoping that my friends over at the old one will bookmark my new blog address and visit often. I also plan on making some new friends here too..
I made a list about a year or two ago about some changes I would like to make in my life and I still have that list.I seem to be working on it all the time so once again it is my goal for the New Year to work on as many areas that I can.
I got some money from Mom for Christmas and I ordered some patterns from CrabappleHill Studios, they have the prettiest patterns for embroidery..can't wait for it to come. Also I am planning a shopping trip to Joann's(My favorite store) on Wednesday to buy some Kona cotton (Thanks Linda
http://all-stitched-up.blogspot.com for letting me know about Kona) and to get some thread-they are having a sale for 50% off, can't beat that.
I plan on doing tons of embroidery this coming year and also try my hand at some quilting of some small things....nothing bigger than a small wall hanging. So if you are reading this blog and you do any type of embroidery or quilting please leave a comment with your blog address so I can visit and see what you are doing...
I am new to this blogger thing and so my posts are kind of weird, I can't seem to put the pictures in right and also haven't figured out yet how to put a link and be able to edit it to just the person's name instead of the whole thing showing up...so please bear with me while I make the adjustment.
My New Life~ in 2009
1) Husband~ Give him more respect, Serve him more. Make him feel very special. Be his helpmeet.
2) Children~Pray continually for my children, and grandchildren.
3) Home~ Keep things more organized and clean. Do things daily to keep it presentable
4) Friends~ Keep in touch better, be very open and not judgemental~No putting people down
5)Self~ Take better care of myself, eating better, getting more rest, see dentist and doctor more often when needed instead of putting it off.
6) Family~ (this is talking about my mom and sisters) Try to just "go with the flow" instead of causing problems. Don't let things bother me so much. Be more loving and willing to listen to them more.
7) God~ Make a point of spending more time with God, in prayer and in reading the Bible.
May everyone have a very safe and wonderful New Year...
See you in 2009