I bought this candle (I love candles) about a week ago and love the scent of it~ Apple Cinnamon~

Has anyone seen the Glade commercial that they have out right now about their holiday candles. Well in the commercial the lady lights a candle and the room magically is decorated, a tree appears and there is garland everywhere....Well wonderful blog friends don't you dare believe that commercial!!! I have lit that candle in practically every room of my house and guess what NO magical transformation :) :) No I am not stupid in really thinking that would happen but I can certainly understand children being sucked into the amazement of commercials. Wow light a candle and your whole house becomes a winter wonderland...too bad it isn't reality, how easy that would be...So I guess I will just be happy with the smell of my candle and I plan on getting more of them, they are pretty reasonably priced and like I said I LOVE candles :)
Okay on to something more real. My daughter has just recently started selling Avon (I have a button on my right sidebar that will take you to her web page if you are interested in buying any Avon). I love all of the jewelry and such that they sell as it is always reasonably priced and is very good quality. They also just came out with a new fragrance (I don't usually like their fragrances) it's called In Bloom by Reese Witherspoon and I just fell in love with the scent, it's not too flowery and smells just heavenly. I bought the body spray wich is a little lighter than the perfume and much more reasonably priced. The perfume spray is $39 a bottle a little high in my opinion but the body spray is just $15 and smells just right, not too light and not too strong.
Here is what the bottle looks like~

The bottle for the actual perfume is very pretty but I think this one is just fine, I even sprayed some in my van and now it smells wonderful everytime I drive it :)
I have not been doing much crafting lately as I just haven't been in the mood...but I have been reading a lot, these are the books currently on my end table. I know most people say what books are on their nightstands but I am just not one to read in bed so my books are on my end table the same place I have my Bible that I read daily.
An Amish Christmas (contains 3 short stories)~

This book I have been wanting to read since it came out and our library finally got a copy~

I just started it and am liking it so much I will probably buy my own copy. One of the good things about checking them out at the library first is then I can see if the book is worth purchasing or not. This one is certainly a keeper.
This last book is the one I am currently reading in the Fall book club over at Sugar Pie Farm House, I just love the ladies over there and they all have such wisdom and a heart for God it makes it just oodles of fun being part of their group~

Katy over at COUNTRY BLOSSOM did a wonderful post today about being organized, she is amazing and a woman with such a heart for God, I would love to someday grow up and be more like her :) Go on over and read her post it's very interesting how organized she is....
Hi Joann! I, too, would love to light a candle and let the room decorate itself beautifully (and I would also love that when I blew the candle out...it would clean itself all up at the end of the season! LOL) Commercials are certainly enticing.
ReplyDeleteThat body spray you got sounds so nice! You have me wanting to smell it!!! I am a *loves*to*smell*good type of girl! LOL I love floral and fruity and other types of scents! I will have to check that one out sometime if we have some extra money!!! It sounds wonderful! I am glad you are enjoying it! :)
Oh...and as I blush, thank you so much for your kind words about me. I am so *very* far from perfect....any and *all* good in me comes from Him. :)