In one of my last posts I mentioned and showed pictures of our old elliptical machine. Well out with the old and in with the new. The Friday after we sold the elliptical we bought a new Nordic Track bicycle. It fits so much better than the large elliptical machine and Roger likes it a whole lot better.
New Bicycle~

This is what the fireplace area looks like with the new bike in the same place as the elliptical used to be~

I also that same week made some new curtains for the living room, I have always just wanted to have a valance so I could get in as much light as possible. That has changed so I bought 6 twin sized sheets at Walmart made a casing on the top (they are already hemmed) and slid them on the curtain easy and it looks so nice, very comfy and cozy..
Here are the new curtains~
I have been in the process of changing our hallway bathroom form beige and green to dark blue and black, I am looking for some crow things for some decorations but haven't found anything yet. I did get some black carpets, and that shelf is now painted black
Hallway bathroom~

I also made a shower curtain also out of two sheets that I sewed together and then I sewed a topper on it, The curtain is dark blue, and will eventually have some applique's on it of some crows and some stars made from the same fabric as the topper part..
Here it is so far~
Well I guess that's all for now wanted to get this up as I have many posts to put up but just not lots of days just don't seem to have enough hours in them right now.
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