This is our new Revised Master Grocery List Front and Back~(You have to click on it if you want to actually read it, though it is kind of boring :)

Today I spent some time working on a revised Master grocery list. I like the idea of having a Master list of everything we purchase. I shop once a week on Friday's so on Thursday I take my list and go to both my pantry and freezer and I highlight on the list what we need and then I will make a note next to the item of how many we need. I have been buying a few things in large quantities lately when I have seen them on sale. One example is Tuna, we eat a lot of tuna...Roger takes tuna everyday for his lunch. One of the stores in our area had chicken of the Sea tuna for 64 cents a can, but on some of the tops of the cans there were coupons for $1.00 off of 5 cans so for every 10 cans you buy you would get $2.00 off, $6.40 for ten cans minus the $2.00 off is only $4.40 so that's only 44 cents a can for a name brand tuna so I bought lots of cans and I still have about 6 of the coupons left. I am blessed to have a husband who put in a nice pantry for me so I can buy things in large quantities and have a place to store them. I will share some pictures at a later time. So back to my new revised grocery list. This time instead of just grocery items I also made a list of all of the other things we buy, paper products, personal items, cleaning items etc... When I printed it out I put the grocery things on one side of the paper and then put the paper back in and printed the Non food items on the other side. It took some time trying to think of everything we buy and I am sure I have missed some things. That's what's nice about printing it on the computer, it's very easy to come back to the page and just edit it to either add something or to take something off.
So everyone out there what type of system do you have in place for grocery shopping??? Let me know, I would love to hear how others do it. Also if you haven't signed up for my Fall giveaway make sure you go to that post and leave a comment, Friday the 9th is the last day!!
Blessings, Joann
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