I read some more in the book I mentioned in my last post. What a good book so far. I really understood what she meant when she felt like she was putting food above everything else even GOD. I sometimes feel the same way. So many things she mentions in her book I have done. It's kind of nice to see that someone out there has struggled like I am struggling.
I worked today on my Home Management Binder.I only did a few of the parts. My HMB is different than most people's as I don't have any children living in the house and don't homeschool. So instead of having children sections or homeschooling sections I have a section for devotionals that I have printed from e-mails that I get. I receive e-mails from Revive our hearts, At the Well...In pursuit of Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 Ministries. I also have a group of things I printed off the Revive our hearts website that go with a radio show that I liked and I downloaded all of the shows onto CD's so I can listen to them when I have time and follow along with the pages I printed out. It's called "God's beautiful design for Women: Living out Titus 2:1-5". Very enjoyable program.
Here are the changes I made so far with my HMB~
The spine~

The front cover (I typed up Proverbs 31 verses 10-31)~

The cleaning chores pages~

The pages from Proverbs 31 ministries~

The pages from At the well Titus 2 ~

I have some more changes but didn't get to them today, maybe later this week.
Joann, I think I will create a binder again. A few years ago I began one, but I did not finish it. I was overwhelmed. I was home-schooling three, and driving my fourth to a high school 45 min. away. This was rediculous, but I did it. Now he is driving himself and the other three are attending our local school. I will begin again. I had tried the Fly-lady binder. Is yours self created? or through her? Thanks for any help on this. Kathi