This post is a post I have wanted to do for a long time. Mainly it is just about all the Bibles I own. I have many different Bibles, some study Bibles some not. Lots of different versions too. Here is a look at what Bibles I own and why I like or dislike them.
The first Bible I ever purchased or owned was a St. Joseph Catholic Bible that I bought when Jennifer was about 2 years old (about 25 years ago). I grew up in a Catholic household and we never owned a Bible. No one ever brought a Bible to church and no one in my family ever read one (this just breaks my heart as it is still true to this day). When I was little Church attendance was something you dreaded but had to do for that 1 hour every week. I remember more than once my Mother and Father being upset that Church lasted more than an hour, even if it was only a few minutes. My house was not a Christian household by any means. My parents were Catholic because my Father's parents were Catholic. They did not choose this religion nor did they know anything about it. They could not explain any of the rituals and still couldn't even tell you what lent is other than the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter when you give up something you like (like candy or soda). So obviously I do not own that Bible anymore. When Matthew was little I finally had enough of being part of a religion that I did not understand and I asked Jesus into my heart, that was one of the best things I could have done. I do not belong to any Relgion, I am a Bible believing Christian plain and simple.
Candy at her blog!
has a wonderful post up today about counterfeit christianity
I also believe in the scripture verse "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:5
All of my family are still Catholic and I have become like a blacksheep for leaving the church. They don't like it when I bring up the obvious differences in the catholic church and the Word of God.They will always be in my prayers, I pray for salvation for them all and for them to realize that they need to be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
I currently own these 7 Bibles~ (you can click on any picture to make it bigger and read the pages to see what they are like)

I am just going to start at the top and work my way down the stack. The first Bible in the stack is my purse sized NKJV Bible that I have had for many years. I enjoy having this with me at all times so if I feel like it I can read it while waiting for appointments and things like that. Also it's nice to be able to look up a verse when I am not at home. It is very small and so is the print but so far my eyes are fine for reading it.

The next Bible is my Daily Study Bible for Women, it is a NLT version and I like this one because it is a study Bible and I love learning things about the different chapters especially ones concerning Women.~

The next Bible after that one is my absolute most favorite Bible. It is my slimline ESV Bible. I read this one everyday, it is the one that sits on the end table in the living room most of the time. It is the Bible I take to Church. I love reading this Bible because I understand it. It isn't a study Bible and it has very few references in it, but if I come across something that I want to read about more in depth I go to my other versions and see what they say.
My ESV Bible~

The inside of the ESV Bible~

Here is Proverbs 31 in my ESV Bible (yes I write and highlite in my Bible)

The next Bible is My KJV~ I just recently purchased this Bible (about a year ago) I know there is much talk out there about this being the only uncorrupted version and this is the only Bible to read. I love reading this version but sometimes I just don't understand what they are saying and for me it is better to read a version that I understand than to not want to read a specific version and because of this don't spend as much time in the Word as I would like. This is a Scofield Study version so there is a lot of information and I really like that so when I want to know more about a chapter or verse I go to this Bible and see what it has to say.
I guess I didn't take a picture seperately of this Bible but it is in the stack under the ESV Bible.
After the KJV is my Spirit filled NKJV~ This is another Bible that has lots of information in it and I like the fact that it has lots of word definitions and references.
Spirit filled~

Okay now we are getting close to the bottom only a couple more.
The next one is called a Family time Bible,it is a NKJV. I bought this one when Jennifer and Matthew were little. It has all kinds of things about being a family and it highlites areas of interest for families.

The inside of the Family time Bible~

The last Bible in the stack is my Life application Bible it's a NLT version and I like this one because it is a study Bible and with all study Bibles you can learn so much. It has a large section for each chapter of the Bible where it kind of outlines it. It tells you who wrote the chapter, the date written the purpose for the chapter and any key verses.It also has a little bio part on some of the people in the Bible. It is very interesting to read all of this.
Life application Study Bible NLT version~

Inside of the Life application Bible

So there you have it. All of the bibles that I use very frequently. I love having all the different versions. If I have any doubt as to whether I am reading something right it is nice to have other versions to see what they say.
Please leave a comment and let me know what type of Bibles you own and which you like best.
Hi Joann,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for stopping by my blog!
I enjoyed reading this post about your different Bibles. I've actually been wanting to get an NLT Life Application Bible! I currently use an NIV for daily reading and my study Bible and the one I use at church is a New King James. I really do like that one, as well. I use Biblegateway online frequently and find myself looking up the ESV of particular passages, so that too might be in my future. = ) Thanks for sharing this. Aren't we so blessed in our country to have various versions of God's Word to meet varying needs? Wow.
I see you are on a weight loss journey. You're doing GREAT! 43 pounds is quite an accomplishment. I'm praying for your continued success!
You know I just got a new ESV Bible and I am loving it. Still, I love my study Bibles too. I have a Life Application, but my main study Bible is the Spirit Filled Life Bible. I got a nice leather bound one back in 92 with a part of the money left to me by my Grandma and wore it out (that is a story in itself). I got a new one when that happened about 5 years ago. I could have gotten a different one, but really loved that one. I also have a Thompson Chain Reference, but have some issues with the theology in the study guide. Still it has some good points.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your Bibles with us!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your Bibles with us. I counted mine and I know I have at least 15, if not more, Bibles here, but I don't use all of them. I have a few copies of both the NIV and KJV. My dh only uses the KJV, but like you, I some times have trouble understanding it. I also have the NKJV, New American Standard, King James Study, New Living Translation, and I read the ESV online from a link I found on Bren's blog. I am really liking that version, so I think I will be looking for an ESV soon. This was a good post. Winona