Some of the things I did this past week where to finish up the prim stitcheries~

I also worked on the BOM's Christmas Wish from Gail Pan. I hadn't even started them before this week and yet they were so easy and quick to get done, I finished them in two evenings.
Here are the blocks 1-5~

Here they are on the fabric I will be using for the borders~

I also had the joy of watching my grandchildren for a few hours on Wednesday morning.They both came in their jamies and they were just too cute. Dylan's is a regular superman pj but Kaitlyn's was a pink superman with a little cape velcroed on the back,you can kind of see it in her picture.
Here is Dylan with Molly watching something on TV~

Here is Kaitlyn sitting at our table~

This was also Roger's first full week of work, so that means getting up early for us. We got up at 5:30AM and he left around 6:15AM. I did find out that you can sure get a lot of things done by noon when you get up early. I put laundry in as soon as he leaves and by noon every thing was washed, dried and put away. That to me is a wonderful feeling. My cleaning has gotten so much better and I feel so much better about our home. There wasn't a day this past week that I would have cared if someone stopped by unannounced, that is something new for me. Roger's commute is a story all it's own. Good days it's only about 1 and a half hours, bad days it could be up to 3 hours. Starting tomorrow he is going to be working 11 hours a day so that means getting up even earlier, 3:30AM and he won't be getting home till around 7-8PM depending on traffic. They will be long and very hard days for Roger.
Tomorrow I am also starting a new type of chore schedule, based mainly on information I received from Candy's blog
I will be posting my new charts this week, I am hoping they will work for me. I seemed before to have way to many things on my list of daily and weekly cleaning which set me up for not getting anything done because it seemed too much. By the end of this week I will know if I need to make any adjustments.
Today I worked on the prim stitcheries, trying to get them put together so I can make a wall hanging out of them. I am going to try and quilt the wall hanging, through trial and error as I have never done anything like this before. Here is what I have gotten done so far **and yes I know it's not perfect looking, but not too bad for my first try at this type of thing**
Here they all are, I had a hard time chosing which two to put together~

First I sewed fabric between the two stitcheries~

Then I sewed a border around it~

Now it is sitting on top of the cotton batting (100% cotton???is this a good choice all you quiliters out there??) and the backing fabric~

I haven't done anything else to it yet because, well I'm not sure what the next step is, I will figure it out but if there is anyone who can explain it to me please leave a comment. It would be greatly appreciated. Hope I won't have to call my friend in Illinois to ask for help!!!!
Finally I wanted to post a picture of our backyard, it's been 6 weeks since Roger planted the grass and this is what it looked like this past week~

Blessings to you all, may we all have a very wonderful week, Joann
Hi Joann. I know how you feel about your baby leaving the nest. I'm thinking of you as you go through this phase in all your lives. I love the stitcheries you've been working on! Great job. Your yard looks beautiful.
ReplyDeleteLike I told you, I know that feeling you are going through, but I also know the other side of that coin. My Kyle is 23 and will never leave home. He will forever be 10 or 11 years old in his mind, so be blessed in your thinking that your son is a man who can have that life you dreamed for him when he was still in your womb. He is in God's care. Your tears are valued by our Heavenly Father and He understands your pain and hurt.
ReplyDeleteHey, those Grandbabies are adorable!!!
As for the quilt, you can call anytime. I think you want to pin baste it (hold the 3 layers together with safety pins every 4 inches or so) and then machine quilt in the ditch (seam lines) finishing it off with a binding. It is beautiful!!!
I can't imagine what you must be going through with your son having left. I'm sure you have lots of prayers going up for him as you think about him so much. I'll be he is having a great time... all the new adventures! I love your stitcheries. You do great work. Do you use two pieces of fabric to stitch on? How do you keep your threads from showing through on the front? I embroidered a whole set of (12) 50's style dresses without lining the fabric. So all my threads show through, which now disappoints me.