Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I finally hit my 10 percent at Weight watchers

Today is Weigh in Wednesday, my loss for today is 1.6 pounds that brings my grand total to 29.4 pounds and with that I hit my 10 percent, I know everyone that can do basic math can figure out how much I weighed when I started but I figure if I am going to be truthful about the weight loss then you have to know all the details no matter how horrible they are. Yes I am a big person, but I am doing something about it and I am proud that I am sticking with it.

This is the key chain I received today~

Last night we went over to my Mom's house for dinner and I had Roger stop on the way over so I could take these pictures, the Almonds are in full bloom and the road we take has orchard after orchard, I thought they were so pretty~

I also said that I had made some progress on the pansy embroidery project I am working on and I did remember to take a picture of it, here it is~

This is a close up so you can see the stitches better, my stitches seem to be getting a little better~

Have a great Wednesday



  1. Joann, your stitchery is beautiful I love those flowers. Just so pretty and in my favorite color too. LOL Congratulations of the weight loss. That is awesome.

  2. Congratulations, Joann! 10% is a huge accomplishment. We're all very proud of you!

  3. Hi Joann!
    What gorgeous stitching you have!
    I LOVE that!
    The purple reminds me of my grandmother who I LOVED dearly... she adored almost anything purple, but especially pansies. :)
    You have a beautiful blog.
    Blessings to you and your family,

  4. Your stitching is wonderful, Joann and a big congratulations on your weight loss! That's wonderful! Keep it up, girlfriend!

  5. You stitches are beautiful...all so small and even!! The pansies are wonderful.
    The blooming almond trees are gorgeous. I bet they smell good too!
    WOOHOO on the 10 % weight loss....I would do a cart wheel for you if I could!! 10% is a huge celebration!


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, I truly thank you for your visit. Blessings,Joann