"To be self controlled, and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind and to be subject to their husbands , so that no one will malign the word of God." Titus 2:5
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Good News :) Bad News:(
Good News~ Thanks to all my faithful friends and their prayers, Mattie is NOT deploying with his troop.
Bad News~ Mattie is now considered a replacement for any person who gets injured etc. So even though he is a bradley mechanic he could be sent over as a Cav. scout or a hummer driver or anywhere they might need him.
So I just wanted to come and post this to send my heartfelt thanks out to all who prayed for Mattie and to ask to keep him in your prayers. He is still coming home at the end of July for 15 days and the party is still on!
First stitchery almost finished!!!!
ized I didn't like it the new way so I moved it all back. The one good thing I was able to dust and damp mop all of the flooring under the furniture I moved. I try to dust mop daily in the open areas and also try and damp mop on Mon/Wed/Fri but that doesn't always happen and then damp mopping under the furniture is more like a weekly or monthly thing. I find it kind of strange that our short haired dog Molly sheds so much and Mandy who has lots of hair doesn't shed at all. I am always finding dog hair everywhere. I just love our new floors so much, they are so much cleaner after you clean them than carpet and I like the feel, it's kind of cool on my feet. Okay enough talk about the floor.
I got both a phone call and an email from 3/3 Armored Calvary Regiment about deployment. They sent out an email letter explaining things a little more. I of course won't say everything it says as I am sure they don't want everything passed around. One interesting thing was that they are now going to be sending a few less people than originally planned, I have been in prayer about this all day and please anyone out there who feels inclined please pray that My son Matthew will not be deploying. Thank you. He should find out pretty soon one way or another.
I am still in the process of planning a party for Mattie when he comes home on leave, we are planning it for August 7th I don't want to say it is a going away party because I just can't so I am calling it a We love you party!!
I have been kind of down this week I think it's just because the days are just going by way too fast for me right now seems like it was just mother's day and it's almost 4th of July. I am really hating the fact that August is coming and I am fighting it tooth and nail everyday.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
organized and inventoried pantry
Monday, June 21, 2010
Crafting I did today...
Here are the 4 I got done today~

I had planned on putting up a post everyday this week on the subject of self control, I found a nice short Bible study on this subject about a week ago and was going to share it. I obviously didn't get it up for Monday so I will start with it tomorrow.
Have a great week!
**Edited to add response to Salena**
You mentioned in your comment about how I did the transfering of the patterns. I actually do sometimes use iron on transfers but mostly I just use patterns and transfer them myself using a makeshift light box and a Pigma micron 005 pen. It is permanent and because of this I have to be real careful, sometimes it can take me up to an hour or so to transfer something. I always use 3 strands of floss and that seems to cover the fine line very nicely. I have tried using the type of pen that will wash out but for detailed things I found it didn't work very good. Hope that helps.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's day visit with Jennifer and Katie
Here are some pictures~
Jennifer and Roger~

Jennifer, Roger and Katie~

And here is one of Roger and Me~

Roger even mentioned how he really likes the fact that Jennifer takes the time to come by often even though they live an hour away.
I hope all the Fathers out there in blogland had a very wonderful and blessed day.
**Edited to add**
Don't know if you can actually see it or not but I am wearing the dog tag necklace Mattie gave me, On one side it has a yellow ribbon and says Proud Mother of a U. S. Military Son
and has the Bible Verse JOshua 1:9
"I will be strong and courageous. I will not be terrified, or discouraged;for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go."
On the other side is the prayer of salvation. I wear it everyday!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday was a grooming day....and grocery day!
THis is the first picture I took, they moved just as I snapped the picture~

Here is Molly and Mandy~

Here are some more pictures of Mandy, she doesnt' have all that scraggly looking hair anymore and looks so nice and cleaned up especially on her back and sides and her hair is so soft~

Here she is after we took out the cute little pink bow things~

Oreo I didn't take his picture until today, but we always get him shaved in the summer, he is a long hair cat and he is always shedding so much but after we have him shaved we won't see hair on the floor for quite a while.~

It cost a lot of money to have them all done but they come home so pretty and they smell so nice I just love it!
Friday is also my errand and grocery shopping day. I put some things from my shopping trip into the new freezer and thought I would share with you all what it looks like with actual food in it~

I have not done a freezer inventory yet but hope to this weekend sometime.
We rented a movie from Redbox last night and was very dissapointed with it, it is called Shutter Island, I am all for either horror or Mysteries etc. but this was just plain slow and boring. going to get another movie for tonight hoping it is better than that one.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
MY wonderful Godly Husband!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Some pics from this weekend
Here is what the inside of the freezer looks like~

ON Sunday we went over to my sisters house for a get together, my aunts and one cousin have been visiting from Minnesota for about a week and a half. They returned home Monday.
Here is my Mom(in the middle) and her two sisters Dar(on the left) and Donna(on the right)~

Katie with her princess swimming ring~

Dylan getting ready to jump into the pool~

And here is Chris, Katie and Dylan all playing in the pool~

Everyone had a nice time, but boy was it hot. Monday was even hotter. Used the airconditioning on Monday. I think the next few days it is supposed to be a little cooler, but not much so I think officially it is Airconditioner season so mine will be running pretty much every day. I am a very hot person and if I do anything around the house I like to have it cool so I don't get too hot.
Now on to another subject totally different than pictures of our weekend. I have for the longest time been going back and forth on a couple areas of my life. Most that have read my blog for some time know that I have had a real bad experience a few years ago with someone who I thought was my friend, no I am not saying anymore than that. ANyway the person uses a message board, forum and a few months ago I had asked to be reinstated (I was banned from posting by the person in charge of the board)because I had been missing some of the people on there. It has been about 3 or 4 months I think and so far I am still banned. But then I learned something amazing. I have been trying to work on my spiritual life(It needs lots of work) and I had read a verse about gossip, I am terrible about remembering what verse but I do know it said gossiping was bad and when I go to the home page of this board/forum it has the word gossip on it. Well I prayed about it for a while and even though I do miss some of the people there I just don't think it is the place for me. Really it is just a place where people post what they are doing everyday and somedays it seems almost like a contest who has the longest list and who is going somewhere so they can rub it in because not everyone can afford to go somewhere for a vacation. Well that was my great revalation!! For me it was very freeing, I do still miss some of the people there, but most know my blog and if they miss me at all they can find me here. I am done with that board/forum and I am finding my heart feels so much better. Another area in my life that I am currently working on is my speech, I always seem to say the wrong thing! I have started using a list of things to ask myself before I say something. The first two things are #1 Is it true, most things I say are true I don't make things up, but then comes #2 Is it kind, just because it is true does not neccesarily make it kind. I pretty much don't talk much anymore. I have lots of areas in my life I am working on and it may take some time but if in the end it will glorify God then it will be worth it.As Courtney over at Women living well says at the end of her posts Walk with the King, and that is what I am trying to do, Walk with the King and try my best to do everything in my life joyfully and start being a more happier person. Roger and I had a wonderful talk about my being a keeper at home and I am feeling so much more appreciated and I in turn appreciate so much what Roger does for us as a family.
Happy Week to everyone, Enjoy your week looking well to your households
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Please go visit Courtney, you will be glad you did...
My wonderful friend DeNieceintroduced me to another wonderful person named Courtney whose blog is just so great, I love all her videos and she is so real and such a Godly woman I just wanted to put her link to her blog so you could go visit and meet her for yourself. She has started a new series named "Completing him challenge. Come and join if you would like.
Have a great Friday!!
I myself have been starting my own challenge and that is I am trying very hard to learn self control. I am not doing all that good so far but with Christ in my heart I feel I can do anything!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
A wonderful weekend!!
On Wednesday I went over to Brentwood to see a little play that Dylan and his kindergarten class put on. It was real cute they sang lots of songs and I enjoyed myself. We went out to eat after the program was over and did some visiting. I plan on going over again this coming Wednesday just to visit with Jennifer and the kids.

Thursday and Friday I spent doing the rest of the putting the living room back together. I had emptied all of the bookcases to do the flooring and now it was time to put it all back. I went through a lot of things and got rid of quite a lot of stuff. I kept all my books as I like books a lot!
this is the living room after getting things put back on the bookcases~

I also did the first damp mopping of the new flooring, I went with what the back of the box said to use on the flooring~part vinegar/part water in a spray bottle, this worked well. The spray bottle I have makes the liquid come out in a nice fine mist so not too much water got on the flooring. I used my new damp mop and just sprayed a small area working from the bedroom in the hallway out to where the living room meets the dining room
Spay bottle of water/vinegar~

Here is the hallway after damp mopping~

And here is the living room after damp mopping~

I had also purchased some new carpets to place around the room to try and keep as much dirt as possible from getting onto the new flooring.
This is what the carpets look like~

We also purchased a new small black bookcase for in the dining area, I like it because it holds things much better than the cabinet I had.I bought 2 nice baskets to hold things on the shelves. I was also able to relocate a lot of my small containers to the bookcase and it gives me a lot more room on my pantry shelves.
Here is the black bookcase in the dining area~

Also with the purchase of that new bookcase it means that I have now replaced everything in the home with black furniture except for the bedroom furniture.
The dining area, all done~

Saturday evening we had a get together at our home. My two aunts and one cousin from Minnesota were visiting so we had a nice dinner of A big chef salad,it was around 90' so we wanted something light to eat.
Saturday was also a very good day because I got a phone call from Matthew, my son has done some stupid things in his life and we have not always gotten along perfectly but as soon as I hear his voice on the phone all past things are forgotten! I hadn't talked to him for over 3 weeks, that's a long time for me and it wasn't easy. I told him I don't know what I will do when he is in Iraq for so long.
Sunday was so warm out that we used our air conditioner for the first time. I love air conditioning :)
Our backyard is looking real nice, our butterfly bush is blooming and is so pretty but I have yet to see a butterfly~

I had been working forever on a shower curtain I wanted to make and seemed to be going no where with it so I finally ordered one and I am so happy with it, it is real nice quality and I love the look of it.
New shower curtain~

This is what the top looks like~

Mandy got to have her cone thing taken off this weekend also, she was very happy.
Here she is all snuggled up~

I have made some decisions about crafting, while I love my sewing machine my true love with crafting is in hand work. I love to embroider, so I have done some evaluating of my crafts and am now going to concentrate on more embroidery and still throw in some sewing here and there but for me I just love to sit in the living room and use my hands to make something beautiful.
I have also been doing some quiet time questioning about my walk with the Lord and right now I don't know where I am in my walk but it seems like I am walking the wrong direction right now so I plan on working on that some each day. I don't want to get to the end of the day and realize like I have so often that I hadn't even spent a few minutes in the Word of God.I need to make it more of a priority in my life, this is hard for me I don't know why but it is. I have heard it said before that you should spend the same amount of time in the Bible as you do either reading ohter books or tv or computer time and I know I do not do that so that is something obviously I need to address.
I plan on having a wonderful week this week. I hope everyone else has a wonderful week too!!