Here is a little peek at what the purse looks like~

This is what my past few weeks have been like~
I have been making up a folder of all the info we need for our trip. I have printed out every map I think we will need while we are in the Louisville area~

I have our itinerary printed out, I also printed out the map of the zoo and how to get there and so on. I like to be prepared! Can you believe we have to pay $15 a day to park our car at the airport here in Sacramento and then we have to pay $13 a day to park our rental car at our hotel in Louisville!!!!!
I also had ordered my new Amy Knapp planner pages but now don't have the time to sit and write everything in before I go on our trip, I may get some of it done but not all of it ~
All of those pages after I have gone through and written in all the birthdays, anniversaries, etc...go into my planner~
I love the Amy Knapp planners I just wish their shipping time was a little better, I paid an extra $2.00 (so instead of $7.95 I paid $9.95) for USPS priority mail and it still took almost two weeks to get it and then it came Fed ex ground, not too happy with that. Wish I could find somewhere else to purchase it instead of from her site.
I had also recently gotten an advanced copy of the book Fearless~
for a book review and stupid me thought it had to be published on the 18th of this month and then was reading the e-mail again and it is to be published on the 8th!!! Thats today!!!!! So guess what I did this weekend. Yes I read this book, look for the review later today....
I also have a few friends with birthdays coming up this month and I am making some embroidered dish towels, I am making two sets of 7 each...~
I would really like to get these done before we go but we leave one week from today, so don't know how far I will get...
Then of course I want my house as clean as humanly possible before we leave so we can come home to a clean house...but right now looking at our time frame and all that I want to accomplish I think I would be happy with a vacuumed living room and clean kitchen!!!!!
The time has just seemed to sneak up on me, I only have 7 days until we leave I still need to decide on what we are taking clothing wise, and will it fit in our carry on luggage??? We aren't checking anything so don't have to worry about them loosing our stuff plus they want $20 for one piece of checked luggage on one of the arilines and $15 for the other airline...since we are just going for a few days a carry on will be fine. I have not flown for over 20 years so my stomach is just in knots being nervous..I know everyone tells me don't worry, but that is so easy to say and so HARD to least for me.
Roger was asking me last night why do I always wait till the last minute to do things and why do I always want to get so much done...I always do this wait till the last minute and then try and cram everything into just a few days, that's when we both decided for my sanity to put a few things on hold for now, the giveaway purse is unfortunately one of the things, the birthday presents is another...I am sure no one really will be upset but I just hate to put things on hold.
They also changed Matthew's graduation date, it was supposed to be on the 18th at 9AM and now it's going to be on the 17th at 10AM....thankfully we had arranged to be in Louisville on Wednesday morning instead of Thursday or we would have missed it all together.. I called to inquire as to what was going on and at least there was a good reason for it. The place they were going to use for the gradutation is also used for deployment and arrivals of people from overseas and it just happens that there is a platoon coming home on that day and it takes precedents over graduation, I totally agree and am happy to change for that reason..but it did put us in panic mode for a while. They normally have a family day the day before graduation which would have been Thursday but now since he is graduating on Thursday they are combining family day and graduation day so basically the days are just a little fuller now. We still don't know if we can sign Matthew out for the weekend (Friday/Saturday) or not, we would like to take him to the zoo with us if we can but we won't find out till we get there. So as of now we are just going with an attitude of gratefullness and thankfulness that we can see Matthew at all an are hoping and praying that we will get to see him longer. Kind of going to just go with the flow while we are there...
Sorry this has rambled on...guess I better get my behind in gear and get some things done :)
Whew, girl... you have a lot on your plate right now. You have some very lucky friends to be getting the embroidered tea towels from you. I hope things go well for you trip... you sound very wise to plan so well ahead of time. Best wishes for a safe trip and a happy graduation for dear son!