This morning I woke up and was so tired and my back was already hurting. This is not a good way to start the first day of the week :(
I got Roger off to work after making him breakfast of toast and a banana, yep that was it :) I sent him off to work with his lunch of a lowfat yogurt, a honey ham sandwich, pretzel braids and some coke zero's. He is so good about not eating a bunch of junk..unlike me:)
Last week I was going to post pictures of my new bathroom carpets and I just never did get around to taking and posting the pictures. I also made cinnamon rolls and the same thing, I did take the pictures but never got them posted. So I decided to put them all in one post to get you all updated on everything.
I have to start first with a cute little picture of my baby Mandy, this picture makes her look so big when in reality she is only about 4-5 pounds :)

So here are the cinnamon rolls in all their glory~
Getting ready to go into the oven~

Here they are all baked up~

I had no milk in the house when I made the rolls so when I went out to get pizza for dinner I went through the drive thru at McDonalds to get a small thing of milk. That was so much easier than going to the store to get it. So the rolls weren't frosted until later that night, sorry no pictures of them.
Friday was grocery shopping day and as usual I spent way too much for just 2 people, I spent over $150 and that is just for a week. I HAVE TO get a handle on my grocery spending. I need to start working on menus like I used to do and only buy what we need. Any suggestions from anyone about how they do it Please leave a comment or email me. I desperately need HELP!!!!
Last week I also worked on a few dishcloths, the color was picked because the person who will be getting them said their kitchen was purple. I didn't really like the colors but after seeing it crocheted up it was actually very pretty~

Here they are all wrapped with ribbon ready to make their journey to their new home~

The pictures of the bathroom with the pretty new carpets in it, I am very pleased with how everything turned out.
Hallway bathroom~

Now everyone out there knows what a wonderful husband I have and I just had to show you all how that is so true.....On Saturday we spent the good part of his day off looking for ceiling fans for the kitchen and dining room, we had white box flourescent lights for the longest time and I have been nagging him about a ceiling fan in the kitchen because I am hot all the time. We found the ceiling fans and he went to put them up on Sunday morning(also using a day off) but of course he never does anything halfway so he had to take the old lighting fixture down fill in some holes and repaint the area, then start putting in the new fixture.
This is the fan we picked out~

Here it is all put up~

Here is a picture of the new ceiling fan today with the lights on and the fan going~

Have a wonderful week everyone and bless you very much, thanks for stopping by :)
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