Sat down last night and went through my floss and wrote down what I have and what I need. How come is it that everytime I want to do some sort of stitching I never have the color I need?? I have over 150 colors and still needed to go out and buy about 40 new skeins of floss today~

I still don't have all the colors as Joann's didn't have a few but I do think I have enough to at least get started.
I need to have 15 projects to start one each day from January 1st through 15th. I have decided to do a monthly snowman project for 12 of the days and then add in a few other projects to round out the 15. Still
One of the stitching projects, on the top in the picture is the original size, the botom is the same pattern but 150% larger~

The January snowman pattern original size~

This is what it looks like after enlarging it 150%, much easier to see and read~

I still need to post a list of the 15 projects but just don't have time right now.Today for the challenge mainly I got all my aida cloths, needles, floss, patterns and anything else I need all organized into gallon sized ziploc bags. As you can tell my projects will be small.
I think this challenge will be fun, and I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing.
Have a blessed week and a wonderful day with the Lord tomorrow.
Joyful days to you, Joann
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