The gate where he was going to come out of, very empty~

To be able to get to this gate you have to have a boarding pass and go through securtiy, so guess What I got!!
A boarding pass(my special ticket)~

His plane arrived at 11:42pm and when he came out I made sure to give him a great big hug, he is the best hugger there is
Me and Mattie~

We left the airport after paying the outrageous fee of $27 for parking and started on our long journey home. We dropped Jennifer and Matthew and the kids off at Jennifer's house then I went to drop my Mom off at her apartment and I made it home a little after 4:30am. I was strangely wide awake and decided to stay up and get some laundry done. Now it's a little after 1:30 and I am starting to get so tired.
I may take a nap later but right now I am still doing laundry.I am putting off grocery shopping till another day other than bananas we have enough food to last for a few days.
Praying that everyone has a very blessed and wonderful weekend.
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