I have a picture of what the carpet looked like before~

The craft room with new carpet and trim~

I really like the color of the carpet and the style, it's called Lasting elegance in Saddle color. It doesnt' show up very well in the photo but it sure makes the room look so different. The last carpet was dark and made the room look small it is a small room but now it looks very large and bright!!
This week so far I have been working on finishing some embroidery things I had started over the summer. Two of the pieces are in redwork, I love doing redwork, but the last piece I did in two colors, Red and blue.

PLedge of alligience~

I think they all turned out nice and am happy with them. I will be getting one of those black bookcases that we bought for the living room for my craft room and I was thinking of making one of the items I got done into a small pillow to set on the bookcase for a decoration. Not sure yet what I will make of the Pledge of alligience one, maybe a small wall hanging. So now that the carpet is in and the trim is done it is now my turn to put everything away in it's own place. I have a big pile of stuff sitting on the back patio that came out of the craft room. I have a few things that will be going on the bookcase, but I haven't gotten it yet.YOu may have noticed that we took out one side of the table top, seemed like all it was ever used for was to pile things on, I think I have plenty of room for my computer and my sewing area. Roger very nicely put up my thread holders and bobbin holder, now to just get my rulers hung up and that will get them off of the table top.You can also tell in the photo that I have plenty to do in the craft room at least organizing things will help a bit.
I was very happy to have my internet back, but have to say I really didn't miss it as much as I thought I would.Mattie called from Iraq yesterday morning but not today so that may mean he has gone to Kuwait, then we just have to wait for him to fly to the states. I am really getting excited.
Have a wonderful week and thank you so much for stopping by, Blessings,Joann
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