Yesterday the postman left a little package in my mailbox and it was a gift from a very nice friend of mine,
DeNiece . I had e-mailed her a while back when she was doing her kitchen videos and had asked her about her smock that she was wearing and where she got it. I thought the idea of a smock was for me a better idea than an apron. Most of the time if I get anything on me while cleaning or cooking it's on my top part not my bottom part so this made sense to me.
Anyway I opened the package and look what was inside~

Yes it is a very pretty pink smock, sorry I look so horrible but I had been cleaning the kitchen and had Roger take a quick picture so I wouldn't forget. She also included a card with a Bible verse she wrote in it
"For if they fall, one will lift up his companion (friend) but pity the person who falls down and has no one to help him up...." Ecclesiasties 4:10
Both the smock and the card I will treasure always. It just made me cry when I opened the package to see what was in there. I am truly blessed to have her friendship.
Since my experience with online friendship was so bad with that one person (I posted about her before)I have really slowed down getting close to anyone. DeNiece is such a true Christian woman with a heart for God and I have already told her on the phone that if I ever do or say anything she doesn't like then she is to call me and say "Joann~ What the heck are you doing~ so we can solve any problems we might have. Though I can't see having that problem with DeNiece or the other friends I have made through this blog. Because of one thing, they are all true and genuine people. Not afraid to show their mistakes along with their triumphs. They invite you into their homes and lives through their blogs and you feel welcome.
Now I have lots of things I want to post about but I will be posting them over the next few days so they will all have their own post, not just one big long one.
Blessings, Joann