Monday, March 15, 2010

A Real tough week for Blog or not to Blog???

This past week and today are real tought for me to get through. My brother was killed in a car accident hit by a drunk driver on March 15th of 2002 and my father passed away on March 11th of 2007, at the age of 82. They both seem like it was just yesterday and I think of them both everyday.I have been having what seems like a rough year so far. Just don't think I am totally enjoying life right now. Some days I don't even feel like getting out of bed. I am trying very hard to find my joy right now and it just feels like it is just out of my reach. MY best friend knows what I have been going through and she always seems to know just what to say to make me feel better.As for my Titus 2 role as a keeper of my home, I am absolutely failing in a major way in this department of my life right now.I feel like I don't even have the right to have a blog named this because that is not who I am right now.I thought long and hard about keeping my blog or just stop blogging altogether. I have not made my final decision about this yet.I have made some wonderful friendships through my blog and I am so thankful to God for that.I even went as far as deleting this blog the other day but then realized that I still have a book review to post that I already have the book for and felt I needed to keep up my end of the bargain.So I will be posting that review in the next few days.After the book review post I will be doing a lot of thinking as to what to do next.



  1. It probably doesn't help to say this, but I have been there too. When my Dad died, when the anniversary of his death comes, which is the same month of his birthday. It is so hard. We are here for you.

  2. I left you a comment on facebook. (((hugs)))

  3. Hi, I am a new visitor but just wanted to say it's okay to have down times and you don't have to feel that you are perfect in blogging or in anything that you do in life. Only Jesus was perfect and none of the rest of us are. Sometimes it's good to step away for a bit and just get in touch with ones self. Hope your days get a little brighter. Let's just say I do understand, but for different losses in life. One day at a time is all any of us can do.

    Take care and God bless, Lyn

  4. Joann, I am back from my 2 month blog break and just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. Hang in there. Winona


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, I truly thank you for your visit. Blessings,Joann