We also found a very nice TV stand at Costco.com, unfortunately they don't carry the black one in the store so we had to order it online and it won't be here until next week. So that means that our new 60" flat panel Sharp Aquos is sitting in our dining area until the new stand comes~

THis is how are messy dining area looks now~

Here is one of the new bookcases put together~

We also purchased a Home Theatre group for our new living room furniture. It is coming next week also from J. C. Penney's It will consist of 2 rocker recliners in brown leather and a wedge that goes in between them with cup holders. They are very comfortable and I will post pictures of it all when it finally gets here. I can hardly wait...Saturday We are having a moving company come and move one of our couches and our recliner plus the 65" TV over to Jennifer's Apt. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. We had some real nice sunshine today which was a nice change from all of the foggy/gloomy days we have been having. Tomorrow is my weekly shopping day and it's not supposed to rain until tomorrow night .
OH I also forgot to even mention that Jennifer came over last Saturday without the kids and she helped me go through every box and bin in the living room that came out of the craft room and she was such a big help. Now everything is organized and put back. We ended up with 4 boxes of giveaway and 5 bags of trash.
Mattie will be leaving Ft. Knox Friday the 29th for Ft. Hood Texas, he has also heard it through the Army grapevine that he will be deploying to Iraq in September:(
Have a wonderful weekend and I will be back to post pictures of the "New and improved" living room next week sometime.