Last Friday Roger took off from work and I had imagined it a little different than it turned out. I thought maybe we would sleep in and just lounge around all day, boy I could not have been so wrong.
Friday morning Roger had an appointment to get our 2005 dodge trucks transmission worked on so he took it to the shop at around 9AM, I took Molly to the groomers at the same time and then stopped by and picked Roger we had to get a new catalytic converter put on the Blazer so Roger took that to the other shop and I followed him and picked him up from there we went grocery shopping and when we were done Roger called and the dodge was ready to be picked up so I took him by and dropped him off. Went home had a message on our machine that Molly was ready, so I went to pick her up, I took Roger with me and I dropped him off to pick up the Blazer. Roger still had to take the Blazer to get smogged and while he did that I finished up putting groceries away. Basically our day was over.We both also had Doctor appointments in the afternoon. we just this month got our insurance after not having any for the past 3-4 years, my appointment was at 2:30 and Roger's was at 3:50, I went out to my appointment and it was so nice to be making a $20 copay on the dr. visit instead of the $117. for our last dr. Now I have had my doctor for the past 15 or so years and I wasnt' all thrilled about having to change but change we did. We were lucky enough to find a White english speaking doctor who went to school in the United States. After my appointment I had to go pick up my prescriptions and then I came home. I didn't get home until 4:45 and Roger got home around 5:30. We ended up not really even seeing each other all day. We didn't even eat an actual dinner, I got myself a cheeseburger and coke from mcDonald's and Roger just heated up some soup. We were sitting there in the living room around 8pm just watching some tv and we talked about how we were needing to go look at a new BBQ as ours which we had had for about 10 years wasn't working right anymore. We decided to go out to Lowes and see what they had on sale.
We came home with this~
BBQ in a box :)
AFter the many many hours Roger worked on it putting it together~
Sunday evenings dinner, first use of the new grill~
The food was so good, Roger BBQ'd some chicken and some fish and it all turned out wonderfully. The doggies were waiting for him to drop something, they sat on the grass and were very dissapointed when he didn't drop any food for them
Molly and Mandy, Mandy had gone to the groomers on thursday, Molly on Friday~
Thanks to my friend DeNiece for letting me know that Walmart had their fall febreeze effects air freshners out, I found this double pack and oh they smell so nice.
Fall Febreeze~
I have learned so many things over these past few weeks, lots of things about myself some good but mostly not so good.
I have been trying to memorize the Bible verse~
"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Phillipians 2:3-4
Thanks to everyone for visiting, I pray that each and every one of you have a very wonderful week.
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